Ah those college years..... here are two pictures from a UNC college retreat trip to the beach in N.C. Kudos to you if you can pick BW3 out in these pictures. Also in these pictures--- Tom Morris a future teacher of the year at Notre Dame, Don Tyndall (no not the coach of Morehead State) a future professor of Dentistry at UNC, and two future Presbyterian ministers....
You would have to be the one holding the guitar? - I am glad to that you learnt to shave! ;)
If I had to guess, I'd say you're the one in the light blue shirt, holding the guitar. Am I right?
Wow you knew Tom Morris?
Looks like Dr. W. with the guitar and Morris with the buttoned blue shirt (smiling)- at least if current photos are any guide.
You are the one with the guitar.
You eagle eyed dudes are pretty good, but yes, of course that's me with the hair and chin beard and guitar. Tom Morris is only in the second picture at top right sticking his tongue out..... :)
May I ask Dr Witherington; sitting on the beach that day with your guitar in your hand, did you know, or have any idea, where you would be vocationally some 30 years later?
Are these photo's from a retreat that would have been associated with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship?
I read somewhere that you were active in IVCF and I've noticed you publish with them a lot.
Hi Mark:
What I knew in 1973 was that I would probably go to seminary, and I wanted to be like my college Bible prof-- Dr. Boyd. I had no idea at all that I would write all those books.
And yes, this was a bunch of folks involved in an IVF group I helped lead which met in my apartment in Chapel Hill.
Is Clyde Godwin in one of those photos? He was my pastor once.
This is AWESOME!!! Love the pics!
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