During a difficult season in my Christian life, Henri Nouwen provided me with manna from heaven, water in a weary and dry place and guidance on spiritual formation that I still live out of. I would say he is certainly one of the greatest spiritual formation writers of any age. The picture on the left is from one of his books which deals both with slowing down and listening to God, and also being honest with God and waiting upon the Lord.
James Howell provided this link today---
Henri Nouwen gave a wonderfully insightful lecture on this, called “The Spirituality of Waiting,” which you can read online, or hear via a recording of Nouwen himself!
It will be worth your time.
"For those who wait in the Lord will renew their strength,
They will mount up like eagles with wings of great length. They will run and not get weary, they will walk and not faint. Giving strength to the weary, and power to his saints."
Dona nobis pacem,
Henry Nouwen is a very profound man.
I sent this link to a friend today who is wheelchair bound and can do nothing for herself. She has been in this condition for a while now. She used to be a missionary to the North.
She is still waiting for a cure. In the end, for sure, the cure will come.
Thanks, Ben, for the link to Nouwen's "A Spirituality of Waiting." That is beautiful. I have read several of his books in the past and love him and his writing.
Joanie D.
This is one of the most helpful writings I have encountered in my own spiritual journey. Thanks for finding and posting the article. I read it several years ago and enjoyed finding it through your blog.
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