In a year of political tensions and lengthy debates, and with the race in doubt, there seems now to be a new candidate who has entered the Presidential race at the llth hour, and is gathering a following. Copy and paste this link into your browser to find out who :)
Has anyone yet consulted with Ben Witherington about this candidacy? I suspect he wouldn't accept the position even if he ran as an independent or the Republican Party backed him. His greatest opposition would certainly come from the Democrats who would immediately brand him as an extremist fundamentalist. The Obama forces, e.g. abortionists, feminists, leftist liberals, etc. would pursue him relentlessly. If you think they hate Palin the reaction would be far stronger against Witherington.
Nevertheless, he would certainly get my vote. As commander-in-chief I can't see him ordering troops anywhere except perhaps on peace keeping missions unarmed. I would imagine he would be quickly assassinated by any number of Republicans or Democrats. The military industrial complex would simply go berserk.
Well Jose, all I can tell you is "I'm BW3 and I improved this message" :)
the tattoo did it for me...this is amazing!
Except on peacekeeping missions unarmed? What is that? The Kucinich approach?
"Except on peacekeeping missions unarmed? What is that? The Kucinich approach?" James Pate.
Eh, it's actually the Jesus Christ and the Apostles approach.
I agree with Ryan, the tattoo made the video for me.
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