Thursday, September 18, 2008

Colbert Explains why President Bush Failed so Badly!

Well Nation, in this time of jaundiced politics at least there is one Christian man speaking a prophetic word into our political malaise. I am referring of course to that good Carolinian (albeit South Carolina), Stephen Colbert. Unlike the Bill Cosby post, this one is actually by the attributed author, albeit, tongue firmly in cheek.


Alex said...

That's pretty funny. But I find it odd that you would post this at the same time that you link to Hugh Hewitt of all people. Hewitt is an extremely, extremely, and might I add extremely right-wing partisan hack and is a joke. I say that as a lifelong Republican, by the way.

J.T. Noels said...

That was awesome!... So funny!

Ben Witherington said...

I have no idea who Hugh Hewitt is, and I've never linked to him ever. Was this in some blog response?


Steve Pressley said...

Yep, it's right there under Beliefnet. Hugh Hewitt. Ben, maybe God has linked you, to redress your imbalance. Partisanship ill becomes the Christian.

Ben Witherington said...

Hi Steve:

So you think Christians should be politically neutral? or should just not care? As for me, I have little use for the radical left or the radical right. They are both so far from the views of Jesus it sickens me. But I do believe in fair and balanced discussion of important issues, instead of posturing.


Jc_Freak: said...

I thought it was pretty funny, but didn't Bush enter Iraq with Congress's approval?

Leslie said...

I always enjoy Colbert ... and this was no exception.

However, I do take some exception to the condemnation Bush is receiving today. Don't misunderstand, I'm not a Bush fanboy, but let's place credit where credit is due. Bush? Sure, he deserves a healthy portion of it. But I find it odd that people rarely point out that Clinton did squat while he was in office, despite having an attack on the WTC. Well he did one thing - he helped make our military smaller. Or what about congress - if you want to talk about incompetence, just check them out on C-Span sometime, and see what your tax dollars are paying for. Again, I'm not trying to say Bush doesn't deserve some credit for our current problems, but the condemnation should be shared among so many other people as well. His failed policies are just one step in a rather pathetic dance we've done for a long time.

phil said...


Thanks for the laugh today, as always Colbert is hilarious. On a different topic; have you written a commentary for Luke? If not is there a particular scholar you would suggest?

Terry Hamblin said...

I find it hard to find Colbert funny. It seems to me that in his mouth irony comes out as sarcasm.

Sarah Lewie said...

Dr. Witherington, I read your blog for many reasons. All the Colbert posts/references are simply the icing on the cake of awesomeness. And that's the truth(iness).

Thanks! =)

Ben Witherington said...

The Luke commentary is in the works...

Ben W.

Alex said...


It's on the front page of your blog under links right under Beliefnet, and always has been since I started reading you two years ago. Read him for a few weeks and you'll see what I mean and then you can decide if you want to remove the link. You should be able to go into blogger and edit your links.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to be off-topic, but this looks like as good of a time as any, and since Phil brought up commentaries, do you know of any news on Bill T. Arnolds's Genesis commentary? I was thinking it would be out by now, but I haven't seen it. Do you still recommend it?

Thanks for the blog and all the other work you've done. I'm working through your 1 & 2 Thessolonians Commentary now and enjoying it very much.

Ben Witherington said...

Bill Arnold's commentary will be out next month. As for Mr. Hewitt, that was put on the blog at the beginning, and I had no idea who he was, but I will be fixing this.


Emery said...

Here is another great Colbert video. It is his conversation with the author of The Lucifer Effect. He knows his theology but beware of the potty mouth ending. Hilarious!

Bill said...

Ben,after having read your blog for some time I am not surprised about your negative assessment of Bush but I am surprised that you think such simplistic cynical remarks are either helpful or accurate. You mention that you are not for the radical right or left but Colbert's remarks are not in the center. But I guess that is a matter of opinion as well.

Steve Pressley said...

No, I don't think Christians should be neutral, I think they should be respectful. Wrangling over issues is good, but tearing away at the person is quite over the line. Most particularly if that person also confesses Christ.

Anonymous said...

How could you not know whom you have linked to?

This isn't accusatory, as I know nothing of the man,...but I am curious.

Do you have a 'blog manager' or something?

Ben Witherington said...

Yes I have a webmaster, but when this blog began, a lot of Christian folks asked for links to it, and I obliged them. It's my own fault that I did not check them all out thoroughly.


Crossroads ABF said...

Oh my gosh! Not Hugh Hewitt, NO! (rolling eyes)

Hugh Hewitt is partisan, yes. He's no hack, however. Listen to his show, read his blog. You'll see partisanship certainly, but it is as well-reasoned & thoughtful as anyone who chooses a side, & at least he is upfront about it.

He's also one of the best with regard to incorporating opposing views on his show.

It is funny & frightening though to see such a response from the blog's author--a response that clearly states the author knows nothing of this man & had "never linked to him ever"--only to realize that yes, Mr. Hewitt is prominently displayed on his blog roll for all to see (and hey, maybe even read a little prior to dismissing the man as someone who he would "never link to ever"). And why? Because some other guy says he's extremely (3x) right-wing. Earth to all: Hugh Hewitt's not hiding. His blog can be read for yourself for you to make up your own mind by clicking (gasp) the link provided on the main page of this blog. I appreciate Hugh. After all, I found this blog through Hugh Hewitt's.

Josh said...

Excellent video clip. Wish I could say as much for the comments. How would a larger military have avoided the calamity on 9/11/01 exactly?