Back by popular demand and in more trouble than you can shake a stick at is Art West, intrepid explorer and Christian archaeologist. In this the second of his adventures Art explores things apocalyptic including Mr. 666 in Egypt Israel, and Turkey, gets himself in a hostage exchange, discovers evidence of the Imperial Cult in Israel, and learns of Grace Levine's impending marriage, and all this before the novel really revs up to high intensity. Who is El Tigre and why is he after Art West. Scheduled for release in early summer, this second in a series of seven archaeological thrillers promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. Here is one of the first reviews....
Stolen treasures, murderous adversaries, intellectual detectives uncovering truths of the deepest value amid middle eastern loves, hatreds, and rivalries -- these are just a few of the things that make this Witherington thriller gripping, fast paced, and philosophically stimulating. Roman Numerals is high stakes intrigue based in the best real world scholarship. It will grab you at the outset, and hold you hostage until the very end! --- Dr. Tom Morris, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Notre Dame.
Special discounts on the first novel, The Lazarus Effect, will be available if you buy the new novel as well. Stay tuned for more info...... the adventure continues.
Well this is certainly interesting. I'll have to look into it.
On an unrelated topic, you may remember a poster named kilo papa responding to the 5th part of your Ehrman review. It was a rambling piece and it seemed like he was off his rocker, but I was wondering if anything he said was factual or plausible (namely Luke never talked to eyewitnesses, the epistles are forgeries as believed by a majority of scholars, Papias is unreliable, his comments on Mark, Paul didn't draw teachings from Jesus, Paul not referencing the words/deeds of Jesus and finally, Jesus' was the same as the other endtimes teachers.
Nope. He was wrong on all counts.
I am currently halfway through The Lazarus Effect and enjoying it very much. It's refershing to read an archaelogical thriller that's not anti-Christian!
But I live in the UK, and had to buy it through an Amazon seller who shipped from the USA.
Any chance the new book will get a UK release?
We are working on a U.K. release with several publishers. The problem is, they want to charge too much for the U.K. edition it appears.
Ben W.
I have a quick question for you, Mr. Witherington. I am currently studying the Gospel of John, and I understand that your position is that Lazarus is the beloved disciple mentioned in the Gospel of John, and thus, the author of this book. My question to you is this: How then, could Lazarus be allowed to stand at the foot of the cross, with the mother of Jesus, since it was Lazarus' resurrection that really infuriated the Jewish leaders in the first place? We are told earlier in John that "the Jews" planned to not only kill Jesus, but they planned to kill Lazarus as well. Please clarify this for me. Thank you
The answer to this is pretty obvious. Jesus was crucified outside the city walls and with plenty of people present. There is no way the Jewish officials would have acted against the family of Jesus on that occasion, or his friends, in front of so many witnesses, including various friends of Jesus-- for example the women disciples. Remember the Jewish officials had also previously decided it would be better to wait until after the festival to try and deal with the Jesus matter. There is only so far they could push things in public with the huge Passover crowds present. The Romans, not the Jews are the ones who had the power of capital punishment in Jesus' case and the soldiers could care less about those who were standing around grieving. They were no threat.
That is not fair! I pretty much gave up on blockbuster movies, but your review just cost me $30. I guess, after all, I'm a sucker. I'll check it out tomorrow with my wife and assorted over-priced snacks.
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