I am very pleased to be able to announce that a project which has taken a lifetime of thought and meditation and writing has finally seen the light of day. Most of you know I have been a published poet since I was very young indeed, but there has never been a collection of my poems--- until now.
The Living Legacy is in fact a companion volume to my volume of sermons, Incandescence, and like the latter it is arranged according to the Christian year, beginning with poems for Advent, then Christmas, then Epiphany, then Lent, and so on. Also like that volume Julie Noelle Hare (ne Robertson) has provided the spiritual formation and lectio divina materials which are reflections on my poems. There is also with each of the 50 some poems, my own theological reflections on them, and to cap matters off, three other Asburians have helped out. Ellsworth Kalas, Asbury's President has written a personal introduction and the Dean of our Chapel, J.D. Walt, has written a splendid introduction on the nature and importance of Christian poets and their poetry. The piece d' resistance is however the beautiful freehand drawings of Rick Danielson, another Asburyian who was a D. Min. student of ours and now pastors in upstate N.Y.
Aesthetically and personally this is the most beautiful and intimate of all my books, where I hang out to dry some of the deeper reflections of my soul or heart. As Emily Dickinson said... "judge tenderly of me." I believe you will find this an excellent spiritual formation tool, useful to be used for daily or periodic devotions and meditations.
Here is the link to the book at the publisher's website, where it is offered most cheaply and without tax. Let me know what you think. Be blessed and may your soul be fed, your mind challenged, your spirit uplifted by this book. BW3
1 comment:
Hi Ben
I find your blog posts erudite and oftentimes profound. I don't always agree, but your scholarship makes me take what you say seriously. Your personal journey should be as illuminating.
Just a side question, related to your earlier posts on the Talpiot Tomb - have you read what Charles Pellegrino has been saying about the Tomb and the Shroud of Turin? He kinndly let me repost some of his recent comments on my blog...
...where he defends the authenticity of the Tomb, but seriously modifies the claims made in the documentary. Basically he rejects a lot of the controversial claims and adds some surprising correlations with the Shroud.
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