It has been said that too many Americans have been innoculated with a slight case of Christianity that is preventing them from getting the real thing. Perhaps this has something to do with how much of God people really want. Here is a quote from Wilbur Rees to make you think:
"I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please - not enough to
explode my soul or disturb my sleep, but just enough to equal a cup of
warm milk or a snooze in the sunshine. I don't want enough of him to make
me love a foreigner or pick beets with a migrant worker. I want ecstasy,
not transformation; I want the warmth of a womb, not a new birth. I want
a pound of the Eternal in a paper sack. I'd like to buy $3 worth of God,
I especially like the line 'I want the warmth of the womb, not a new birth'. This, I am afraid, is exactly what people want out of their worship and church experiences. Not something that demands them to pick up a cross, make major sacrifices and follow Jesus. Rather, they want something that makes them comfortable with who they already are and how they already are. They want acceptance as they are, not repentance so they can be who they ought to be. Think on these things.
BW, I read the $3 quote just a few minutes ago in a textbook for Dr. Jim Hampton, Ministerial Ethics.
How odd that I would find it on your blog not 5 minutes later....
Thank you for posting this. I love it! I am going to quote it on my blog. BTW, I am looking forward to reading your book on rhetoric this fall.
Who is Wilbur Rees?
My pastor gave me this illustration, which I edited a bit. I have Googled the man and have not really been able to discover much other than he published a book with Judson Press.
Thank you for this post. I assume you do not mind if I quote you (along with the Rees quote) my blog. This theme of Christian nominalism has been running through my mind recently. Also, though I do not get to drop by often, I do enjoy your blog. Very thoughtful.
In His grip,
A mother's view from experience:
"I want ecstasy,not transformation; I want the warmth of a womb, not a new birth..... "
Put me in playpen; don't send me out to spread the good news on Earth.
I think a lot of people want a playpen experience of Christianity except there's no real liberty in being safely caged.
Can you guys still buy milk for $3?
Thank you for this thought and your ministry to ministers. You are a blessing.
I too shall pirate this quote - although with the economy I might have to change it to $4.
Hello BW3, this is my first visit to your blog, inspired by the fact that my pastor (Lou Huesmann, Grace Brethren Long Beach) read the text of this post of yours during his message on this Pentecost Sunday morning....so I Googled you thinking to find a book and in the process found your blog. I want to use this quote on my blog. I see others had the same idea.
I have also perused a few other of your posts. I will keep you in prayer on your current journeys. And I shall visit again; I may add your blog to my sidebar.
Wilbur Rees is my Father. He is a retired Minister and lives currently in the Pacific Northwest with his wife of 58 years. He did write a second book titled "Growing up Crooked".
The quote you used is from his book "Three Dollars Worth of God".
I noticed that naomisi onamy used a second quote from his book as well. The mother quote is found later in the book.
Thanks for your time.
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