Monday, March 10, 2008

Things We Did Not Learn in Seminary

My former student Omar, has sent me the preaching sample of the week. In this sermon clip from You Tube you will learn: 1) how for a Christian male to be a real man; 2) what's wrong with America and even its President; 3) why the' ole King James' is still the best; 4) what's wrong with Germany, 5) why the translators of the NIV did a bad job, and that 6) God physically wrote the Bible, among other wonderful things. Learn for yourself from pastor Steve in Faithful Wyoming.

Here is the link.
P.S. If you have trouble with this link, then go to You Tube to the source Sanderson 1611 and look for the item entitled 'Baptist preaches on KJV...'


  1. He has a blog that has a whole bunch of mp3's of his other sermons. Have a listen to the one on ADHD.

    Here is his blog with more sermons.

    He says that beating your children should be the 11th commandment.

  2. Hey BW3,

    Not to nitpick, but I think this cat preaches in AZ not WY. Regardless of the state, this dude needs to be a guest lecturer in one of your courses. ;)

  3. Will all the real men please stand up!

    This was hilarious!

  4. My bad. Obviously your former student isn't the preacher. Just the person who sent the link. I should have realized. My apologies to you and to Omar.

  5. Well, Pastor Steve is, um, well, um, hmmm,...thankfully, no one who would be allowed in a UMC pulpit.

    Question for you: have you read the book The Shack by William P. Young? The book is about a man who is mysteriously invited back to a shack where his young daughter was killed. There, he meets the Trinity in various forms. As a fan of your blog, I'm eager to hear what your take on the book is. Calvinists tend to dislike the book, but I'm no Calvinist. I loved the book, but am open to thoughts that the teachings might not be 100% kosher (but if they are, then great!)

  6. Here's the direct link:

  7. I laughed out loud.
    A lot.

    I know some people who are getting a youtube video on facebook today...

  8. Dido the youtube posts on Facebook!

    This is hilarious. He should write a book.

    The other videos are really funny too.

    On a serious note, Ben, I'm curious if you found yourself in the audience of some preaching like this what you would do, or would you do anything?

  9. I am speechless. I kept waiting for the 'punchline'? But this guy is actually serious, right?!
    where was he 'trained'?
    what kind of exegesis is this?

    was he actually preaching to 'anyone'?! all i could see was him up the front - perhaps he's not actually got a congregation?!!!

  10. Oh he is perfectly serious. He has other mp3s available which are almost as sobering. If I heard such preaching I would stand up and say--- "this is not Biblical preaching at all, nor is it the Gospel" and walk out. That ought to get his attention.


  11. P.S.

    Oh yes he has a congregation other than his fraulein I am afraid.

  12. On that note, I think I need to make a trip to the restroom.

  13. I've been lied to all these years!

  14. Standing up straight, of course.

  15. It is just sad. I had to stop watching when I got to the one about homosexuality. He purposely used every slur he could think of against homosexuals. Unfortunately Ben, he'd probably love any kind of confrontation. He does like to yell.

    BTW, I saw a picture of the tiny room they are meeting in. Why is he yelling?

  16. Funny yet disturbing. But it raises a question for me - what is this passage actually referring to? The phrase doesn't seem to be simply a way of referring to men; surely there must have been other words in Hebrew for that.

    Thanks for any light you could shed on this, and for the blog!


  17. Didn't this guy get his MDiv from Asbury Seminary? I think he had a NT concentration and his thesis supervisor was Ben Witherington.

    (totally kidding!)

  18. At first I thought this was a joke, and then I realized it definitly was NO joke. He has his own church and everything. I went to the church website and looked through the sermon archive. One of them caught my attention, something like: "Why no one should go to Bible college". Unfortunately, I fell asleep during most of it, awaking to random lines like, "One time, a woman tried teaching me in school! We can't let women teach us in schools!"...and, "This is why no one should ever go to any kind of Bible school" and, "I can only think of 4 other churches around here that teach the main important doctrines - Believing in the gospel, KJV only, and door to door evangelism."...this is my favorite, "Women should never wear pants...only skirts and dresses"...

    I don't know why I forget there are people like this out there. It is really, really sad. I legitimately feel really bad for every single person in that church.

  19. The passage in question seems to refer to men who stand around idly looking for something to do and some trouble to get into. The other possibility is that it refers to a shaming ritual.

    Of course since this poor Rev. even thinks Bible college is of the Devil he will never know the truth of such matters. He represents the very worst possible witness--- arrogance plus ignorance plus anti-intellectualism. Sigh.


  20. My co-Pastor and I enjoyed the video together and he posed a very interesting question. I hope this isn't too crude, but am I not a real man if a "p" sitting down while I am having to do other business as well?

  21. At first, I couldn't watch him, he was just ludacris, but I forced myself to sit through one. Wow. I know there are a lot of people that feel strongly about the KJV. I'll admit there are problems with the NIV in some instances (at least it seems that way), but as I'm sure there are in any translation (including KJV). I try to use as many as I can and even refer to the Greek, but my understanding is very limited. Ben, maybe you can check out my blog on marriage at and help me out with my issues on 1 Cor 7... at least see if you think I'm going in the right direction. Thanks in advance.

  22. And what about handicapped people who HAVE to pee sitting down? I guess they aren't real men, either.

    This video provided me with a good laugh ... especiall when he said "This is where America is headed ..." I laughed for half an hour.

  23. I laughed so hard I pissed in my pants. (not profane to say as I have just learned)

  24. I'm still holding out that this is an elaborate work of parody. Can anyone in Arizona confirm this church exists in reality and not just in cyberspace? My mind refuses to accept a reality that this dear brother is a part of.

  25. Surely the quote should end "...wetteth his shoes"

  26. I live in Austria. And, while that's not Germany, I nonetheless see men standing (in public--like the park outside my window!) all the time.

    Oh well. different experiences i guess.

  27. How I wish this was not a real sermon in a real church, but sadly-- it is. I would like to know who allowed this person into the pulpit-- when I first heard this the unacceptable thing that came into my mind immediately was the song-- "who let the dogs out..."


  28. The good news, I suppose, is that there's not a seminary or Bible college turning out these guys in masses.

    Because they're evil, so why would he go there?

  29. You're right, Ben. After the humor wears off, the sobering horror of this teaching really sinks in.

    I really wonder what Judgment Day will be like for those among us who are irresponsible in Kingdom leadership

  30. Perhaps you could email or try to contact this guy Dr. Witherington.

  31. I found a video from the church on youtube, so yes he's a real pastor. But the good news is that it appears there's about 25 people at his church.

  32. I posted on this a few weeks ago where I quoted you from the GCTS Alumni lecture in regards to it. I'd love to hear your feedback!


  33. I came across this video a few weeks ago and thought it must be a joke, until I actually visted the church's website!

    Here it is:

    If you go to the "Our Pastor" section, it'll tell you a little bit about the man. I don't mean to nitpic, and while it may be a good accomplishment, I don't think having "well over 100 chapters of the Bible committed to memory, including almost half of the New Testament" is a strong qualifier for pastoral ministry!

  34. Anyone else think this guy looks like Luke Wilson?

  35. Oh he is perfectly serious. He has other mp3s available which are almost as sobering. If I heard such preaching I would stand up and say--- "this is not Biblical preaching at all, nor is it the Gospel" and walk out. That ought to get his attention.


    Glad to hear it Ben.
