I must confess to being prejudiced. After spending a lot of years in the lands of the Bible, my favorite, in terms of the visual side of things and the cordiality of the people and the variety of OT and NT sites that don't just involve indecipherable rocks and sand, is Turkey. Here are some of my favorite aerial shots of Turkey.
Among them you will see a cliff hanger of a monastery, a gaunt salt tree and archepelago, Hagia Sophia, Lake Van, a remarkable aqueduct and a dam, balloons over Cappadocia, a minaret in the middle of a bay, and two ancient Roman theatres, including the famous nearly intact one at Aspendos at the bottom. Enjoy.

I've not been able to travel to Turkey yet. I was blessed to travel to several places such as Corinth, Athens, and Delphi during my undergraduate years however, and it was definitely a beautiful area. Corinth was especially interesting to me, and now I'm doing my internship for my graduate degree on 1st and 2nd Corinthians, in fact. Hopefully one day I will get to travel to Turkey. If you had to narrow it down to one place to visit in that area, what would you recommend?
Beautiful pictures.
Thank you for sharing them with us.
I hope you have a blessed week.
It is quite impossible to narrow down what to see in so huge and beautiful a country to one place, but Istanbul is an interesting place to start.
Great pictures. I was in Turkey last year around this time. I love the country and the people of Turkey. I was supposed to be back this year (earlier this month), but some things in-country have changed our plans. However, I still may get there in December.
Another way to get introduced to the country is a visit to Ephesus followed by a short trip to the other churches of Revelation. Anyway you go, it is hard to go wrong.
Eric Jones, www.TransformedDaily.com
What wonderful pictures. When I was just out of high school, I bummed around Europe and ended up hitchhiking & hiking around Turkey. It was wonderful... the landscape and the people. It felt less spoiled than the more Western countries.
hi Ben..
Well.. you dont know me, and i dont know you.. haha.. but i happen to stumble upon your blog through a link somewhere.. anyway.. i hope you dont mind me 'stealing' your post about Love--Defined by children.. i copied it and put it into my blog.. i thought it was very sweet and heart-warming..
Sorry i didnt ask you before i copied it into my blog.. i really hope you dont mind..
Thanks, and God bless.. =D
xing pei
Nice photos. Is on the top the Sumela Monastery?
Those are truly amazing! Thanks for sharing them with us!
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