"Art is long, life short" says the ancient Latin aphorism. And one of the things about art is that it makes one reconsider what something can do or be. Here below you will find some remarkable sculptures--- made out of pencils :) Art is indeed one of the signs that God has created us in his image, and on a lesser scale we have his gift of creativity. Enjoy.
Dr. Witherington,
i would love your opinion on the recently published article at Discovery.com concerning James Cameron (Titanic and Terminator fame) producing a Discovery channel documentary claiming to have found the tomb of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Judah (their son). check this out and PLEASE PLEASE comment on it!!
Hi Mason: I will have a full statement in a day or two. Its old news with a new interpretation.
Very cool sculptures! Who is the artist?
Actually, it was a Greek aphorism first. And the context is Medical Arts. Hippocrates was complaining that life is too short for a Physician to learn everything he needs to know in order to be a good physician.
Cool sculptures.
Neat artwork. Creating and appreciating art is indeed a wonderful way of praising God, by harnessing the creative energy he has imbued in us!
Is that one at the top supposed to look like what I think it looks like?
Has anyone checked out Joe Zias' work on the Latrines of Qumran? On the one hand he attacks the Jesus family tomb because those lowly journalists dare to reach conclusions after initiating new archaeology, epigraphy, stats, DNA, etc. On the other hand, he reaches all sorts of historical conclusions based on ancient poop at Qumran. Honest to goodness. Some people would argue that this is full of .... but I support his right to cr-p.
BTW, check out: www.jesusfamilytomb.com
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