Sunday, December 31, 2006

President Ford and Rev. Ford

It was 1974 and I was graduating from Carolina and Mike Ford was graduating from Wake Forrest. We had talked about being roomates at Gordon-Conwell where we had both enrolled to go to seminary. He sent me a note in the summer saying it wasn't going to work out. Gordon-Conwell was the seminary that Billy Graham, a Charlottean had recommended, and his associate, my Charlotte neighbor Laden Ford, Billy's associate minister (no relation to the President) was my friend and encouraged me to go.

1974 was an interesting year. All of a sudden Gerald Ford became President, the only non-elected President we have ever had. Richard Nixon had resigned in disgrace. I was once given a tour of the White House in 2003 and had a long chat with one of the pages or stewards there who had been there since the time of President Johnson. He had a huge booming voice and was a huge African American man. I asked him what were the hardest days he ever had in the White House. He said it was the day that Nixon resigned and flew off from the White House lawn. He said everyone wept and felt lost.

But the President had lied to us about Watergate, and then had to resign lest he be given his walking papers by Congress. And then a real Christian gentleman had his brief time of fame. It was Gerald Ford, and his son Mike was going off to seminary. No one had expected him to become President. And it changed not only his life, but mine as well, because suddenly Mike Ford was not going to be my roomate. In fact he was going to be followed around by Secret Servicemen all the time during his seminary education. He had decided to go ahead and marry his girl friend Gail, but what a life they were to have-- newly weds sleeping in a tiny apartment at GCTS with two hulking body guards sleeping in the next room and watching their every move. It could not be an easy way to begin a marriage. I was one of the librarians at the seminary library and I remember the day one of the secret service men came to the desk and forlornly asked me "Don't you have anything in this library but religious magazines and books? Not even Sports Illustrated?" I suddenly felt sorry for them, trapped at a seminary doing a thankless job.

And then Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. We all knew what that meant-- a pardon meant he had done something terribly wrong, like other pardoned criminals. Only Nixon was pardoned in advance of any trial. Gerald Ford was convinced it was the right thing to do, even though he took enormous heat for it. He thought it was the Christian thing to do. I remember hearing Mike talk about how hard that was. To pardon and forgive Nixon was not the hard part, and his Dad was sure it was the best way to help the country get beyond 'our long national nightmare'. He was right, but that did not make it easy. And then he had to do something else hard as well-- get the troops out of Vietnam. He believed that was the right decision as well, prayed hard about it-- and again he was right. It won him no prizes. In fact it probably lost him the election in 1976. You see, Gerald Ford was a kind, gentle, quiet, unassuming Christian man from Michigan. And he got hammered for acting on his convictions in both of those cases. It didn't matter he was going to do it anyway.

I remember the day Mike and I graduated in may 1977. President Ford had not been re-elected, but instead of simply going into retirement, he kept a promise he made to his son and others that when his son Mike graduated he would come give the graduation address to us at Gordon- Conwell. And so he did with two hilarious looking secret service men sitting with him in robes on the platform while he told us about what faith it took to be President, and especially to get through the hard times of his wife Betty's cancer which had led many of us to pray and pray. It was the only time I have met a President in person when I walked across the stage that day, and it was the last day I saw Mike Ford until this past week while watching the television presentation of President Ford's funeral. He has been a minister all these years like me, only serving different flocks. His blond hair had gone somewhat grey and thinned out, but he looked good. But he also looked sad and tired-- he loved his father a lot. During all those years of secret service men bird dogging him I never once heard Mike complain. He was like his Dad in that respect.

History will not like conclude that Gerald Ford was our best President ever, after all he served barely two years. But they were two crucial years and he made two crucial decisions-- the right decisions. I do often wish we had some real Christian statesmen like him to pick from in the next election. But ours is a different era where the political parties are much more polarized, and most of the interesting candidates running from either party, at least thus far, have very little experience in Washington, and even those who claim to be Christians, it doesn't much seem to affect their politics and behavior, only their rhetoric.

And so on this night I send out my best thoughts and prayers to Mike and his family, including his Mom. Gerald Ford deserved a better press, and a better historical assessment than he has thus far gotten. He was the very antithesis of Tricky Dick, who schemed and lied and got caught.

Shakespeare once said "some are born to greatness, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Gerald Ford was the latter sort of person, and the true measure of the man was shown when he was equal to the tasks and carried them out with dignity, honesty, and Christian character. May his tribe increase before 2008.


  1. Ben,
    What a fascinating post! Hearing this only increases my respect for President Ford.

  2. Ben, Amen. I appreciate your sharing and thoughts here. With all respect to President Carter, I would have liked to have seen him in office for four more years. But he was there for a special time, and from what I'm picking up seemed specially suited, in character and philosophy to the work and challenges at hand. Thanks.

  3. I appreciated your comments as well. I am a bit too young to remember much of Gerald Ford's time in office (My earliest memories of the presidency are from the Carter years). My earliest thoughts of Ford were Chevy Chase's impersonations on Saturday Night Live. It is unfortunate that it is after death that people realize what an important and respected man he really was. You might be interested in an article on the Christianity Today web-site from 1974 anticipating Ford's presidency. It is interesting to look back on.

  4. Do you suppose that President Nixon --- to you: "Tricky Dick, who schemed and lied and got caught" --- was guilty of little more than many other presidents, who simply were never called on the same actions? Just wondering.

  5. I think you meant to type, LEIGHTON Ford, no?

  6. First of all Traditionalist, the Vietnam war was something we should never have been involved in in the first place, it was never a declared war at all, and we simply lost. Get over it-- we lost that war. We were not capable of fighting a guerilla war then, and we seem to be very little better at it now.

    To Mark I say you must not be a very good student of history. There were the Watergate hearings and we know perfectly well what Nixon was guilty of, not the least of which was lieing to the American public, covering it up, lieing some more about the breakin at the Democratic headquarters etc. We could debate whether this was an impeachable offense, but we won't. What President Ford was concerned about was the state of our nation, which was in a lot of turmoil between the war and Watergate. Not for Nixon's sake alone but for the nation's sake somebody had to stop the bleeding, and Ford was brave enough to do. It is of course true that Ford made some mistakes, including with the Kurds. His advisors let him down at various points, and he accepted the blame.

    Having lived through that whole period,and having heard some of the story from the inside as well as the outside, I stand by what I said about President Ford.


  7. Hi Jon--- You are quite right, I meant Leighton Ford, sometimes my brain spells aurally rather than visually, which seems to happen regularly with musicians-- spelling how it sounds. And you are probably right, since many Presidents have done worse. What is overlooked however is that we were in a horrible war which caused no end of conflict at home, as well as abroad. Nixon's faults in the Watergate mess were magnified because of the other things he had made mistakes on.

    My real hero in that whole period was Sam Ervin, the Senator of N.C. who was not about to let those boys off the hook. I remember so well his saying to John Dean who had been busily lieing on the witness stand-- "God is not mocked Mr. Dean, whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap as well." He was right.


  8. Anonymous8:17 PM

    What a great post and great memories. Thanks for sharing them.

  9. Thanks Ben. I was a classmate of yours at GCTS. I remember the not-so-secret-service guys reading Argosy in the library. Then, Gail (a friend from high school) and Mike came to my own wedding along with their entourage. It must have been tough for them to have any semblance of a normal twentysomething, grad school existence. Do you know where they are now? I too have lost touch with them.

    Katie (Donna) Day

  10. I knew Mike at Wake Forest, and I knew Gail, only just as an acquaintance. Mike dated my freshman roommate for a while. I would love to be able to send my condolences to Mike and Gail, but I have no idea how to get in touch with him. Does anybody know?

  11. For a completely shocking look at Ford, look at the video this fundamentalist Baptist church put together. They say Ford is worse than Saddam Hussein! Listen to this pastor on the video, he is very serious:


  13. For Ben, Katie Day, and Susane,

    I know Mike Ford b/c I've worked with him at Wake Forest. He is now the Director of Student Development there

  14. His email address is Tell him I said 'hey'. (I'm now a senior at the University.)

  15. I just read the original post. After watching all the coverage of Pres. Ford's death, the national mourning, and the funeral, this reflection really adds a human interest angle to the Ford presidency.

    It seems like Gerald Ford was the "accidental president" if ever there was one. What should not be overlooked is that he came to the presidency during one of the most difficult times in our nation's history. Given that, I think he handled his 29 months in office well. George Will has a recent column in the Washington Post where he argues that Ford is exactly what the nation needed at that point.

  16. Anonymous4:19 PM

    What an awesome way to end your post, by blessing his tribe.
    I appreciate that pure form of respect.
    Thanks for your thoughts.

  17. Ben,
    Thanks for a loving post about Mike and your earlier experience with President Ford. While I might not agree with some of President Ford's decisions, I respect the courage represented in his decisions, especially given the difficult position he was in when he assumed office. In the main, history has justified many of his decisions.

    As for Vietnam, you rightly argue that we should not have been there in the first place. After the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, this nation signed on to allow national elections to be held in Vietnam. But the Dulles doctrine, which posited a domino effect should SE Asia fall to communism, prevented that election from ever happening. But this country's withdrawal from Vietnam did not lead to a communist takeover all the way to the shores of Australia.

    We also have to remember the circumstances that led to an American buildup in Vietnam. Namely, the report of shots "fired across the bow" of a Navy ship, a report later shown to be less than true. (Sort of like assurances that we knew were WMD were in Iraq.) The US Senate, in a 98-2 vote, sanctioned a buildup of American military might and action, and we were on the slippery slope to military disaster.

    Today, while my son serves in Afghanistan, I see too many parallels to the events of 40 years ago when I began my college teaching career and saw my students or siblings of my students drafted into military service.

    Still, the issue is not to berate Ford for what he did or didn't do. It is to recognize a man for service given to this country, both while in office and afterwards. Many, I'm sure, were surprised when President Carter cited the number of projects the two of them had worked together on. Too much about our current politics is divisively corrosive, and I am heartened by the legacy of Ford and Carter to find ways to work together for the common good.

    Thanks, again, Ben. I also enjoy reading your column in Bible Review/Biblical Archaeology.


  18. Thanks Art for sharing, you are right about all of that.

    There was an interesting interview this week with Ford's Supreme Court nominee, Justice Stevens. He was considered moderate and middle of the road then by Republicans, and today he is considered a liberal by the Bush wing of the Republican party. This is not because Stevens has moved to the left. Its because unfortunately a large part of Evangelical America and its Republican political friends have become reactionary.....


  19. Thank you, Ben, for sharing these personal and precious memories with us. May God continue to use you to bring comfort and courage to others in the new year.


  20. Well said, Dr. usual! Thanks for sharing your personal story and insights. You already know I feel much of the same way.

    Many blessings to you and your family in Kentucky!

  21. I have never have had strong feelings on Ford one way or another. But people had plenty of time to critique him while he was alive, I don't think it's asking too much to focus on his positive qualities during his funeral/mourning, just as any of us pastors would do at any funeral we officiated. Apparently though, his critics here are most outraged that he didn't fight enough wars and drop enough bombs, and also didn't believe that the U.S had the ability to make the rest of the world behave.

  22. Ben, that is very interesting. Thanks for the history.

  23. East Timor-- Did it occur to you Donald that there were more factors involved than you seem to know about? Like for instance the fact that our country was in no mood or place to be prepared to be sending troops into another southeastern jungle situation? And frankly, there are a lot of complaints I have about Kissinger who was the architect of such policy. To accuse someone of being complicit in genocide when he had just learned the hard lesson that we do not have an inalienable right to invade someone else's country without permission or a request for help is a bridge way too far. The same applies to the complaint about Jimmy Carter.

