Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I say I'm changed.
Ironing out one's deepest wrinkles
Isn't strange."

Perhaps gone on.
Those wanderlusting feelings
Once so strong."

Horizon's clear.
I see where I must go
While standing here."

That helps me cope.
Even though I've started down
The dark and dusty slope."

To not look back.
In longing or in anger
And get off track."

Not a possessor.
By a Spirit not my own
I'm made confessor."

Not a consumer.
There's room for growth
In a late bloomer."

But for the better.
The Giver has tranformed
A greedy getter."

In short----
Spotless leopards can adapt
Old dog saying isn't apt.

For my Father on his 90th birthday-- May 31 2006


  1. Well,

    Your father and I share the same birthday, but not the same age...

  2. Dear Ben,

    My name is Terence Yeo. I attended your talk at Saint Andrew's Cathedral in Singapore today, 1 June 2006. I was really blessed by your talk and I will be back tomorrow for Part II. I too share the share birthday as your Dad. I turned 31 on 31 May 2006.


    Terence Yeo

  3. Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the sharing yester-night at St. Andrews.

    I have one question concerning the Christological remark you made in 'Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?'- Debate between Bill Craig and Crossan.

    Will ask you tonight during the Q&A session.

    Thanks again for your autograph on 'The Jesus Quest'.

  4. "Old dog saying isn't apt."


  5. Dr. Witherington,

    Thanks for sharing this poem--what a thoughtful way to say happy birthday.

    I especially liked this part:

    Horizon's clear.
    I see where I must go
    While standing here."

    Beautifully put--though not always true (at least for me).

    Safe travels,

  6. Hi Ben,

    Yester-night you told me that it is possible there exist in the 1st century a group of Jews that believe the expected Messiah is YHWH himself. Is there any acheological/historical evident for such a group?

    Or could it be that group believed that the Messiah is divine (more than human) but not to the extend of identifying as YHWH?

  7. Hi Sze:

    You misunderstood me. I am not suggesting anybody, including Jesus thought that the messiah would be Yahweh in the flesh. What I said was that Jesus was given various divine names including Kurios-- Lord.


    Ben W.

  8. Pardon my misunderstanding.

    Glad that you safely arrived home. And really nice meeting you in person after reading writtings.

    Take care, Ben.
