Sunday, March 12, 2006


In freedom there’s a bondage
Which leads to endless choice.
In bondage there’s a freedom
Excusing loss of voice.

What frees a person shows us
What bound them long before.
What binds a person demonstrates
The thing she loves the more.

Commitment and concession
Contrast in this respect
One’s accepted freely
The other with regret.

Freedom is hardly freeing
If only freedom from.
What good is escaping evil
And missing Kingdom come?

Freedom from’s inadequate
Unless there’s freedom for.
What good is no encumbrances
Without an open door?

Redemption’s more than freedom
From chains that bind the heart.
It’s also a fresh purpose,
A goal, a brand new start.

The yokes we cast off tell us
The things that held us down.
The yokes we take up freely
Remind us where we’re bound.

No matter our opinions
The truth will set us free.
For freedom I have been released
To bind my heart to Thee.



  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Dr. Witherington,
    "Freedom from’s inadequate
    Unless there’s freedom for.
    What good is no encumbrances
    Without an open door?"

    Very profound! I will be kicking that around in my head for the next few days.

    Thank you so much for sharing your poetry on your blog. I like both this piece and a piece you wrote a while back called If only very much.

    It is very inspiring for me to see someone who is so involved in the task of theology also writing and thinking in terms of poetry. It seems to me that the biblical narrative is overflowing with poetry.

    I also am in love with both biblical theology and poetry. I am studying theology in preparation for seminary at Calvin College (Grand Rapids MI). And, I write a great deal of poetry as well.

    I understand that you must be terribly busy but I would love to get your input sometime on an item of poetry that I’ve written. Occasionally I post mine to my blog as well. In fact I posted one today called These things pale into insignificance. I would be honored to get your feed back.

    Either way thanks again for sharing your poetry
    Wayne Bowerman

  2. Hi Wayne:

    You are most welcome, and I will check it out.



  3. Dr. Witherington,

    regarding Asbury's PhD program. is there any idea what the cost may be and if there will be any scholarships or work study programs to aid in the cost?


    mason booth

    e-mail address is

  4. Another Wayne (me) needs to chime in here as well: I appreciate this poem from you, Ben.

    My own poetry appears on one of my websites and on my publisher's website.

    Hey, Wayne Bowerman, shall we start a club for Wayne Poetry?!

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Hey, Wayne leman,I'm in! And I will check out your website

  6. Really touching thanks Ben. That's a definate for the cover of our church bulletin!

    Andrew (who organised your soujourn to Port Douglas a couple of years ago)
