Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Toby Keith Fights Back against 'The War on Christmas'


  1. Ben,

    Thank you for posting this; to funny!

    Merry Christmas!


  2. it's funny bc I could totally see Toby Keith actually making this video

  3. Especially since Toby Keith did make this video for the Colbert Christmas special, and apparently he wrote the lyrics for the song as well.


  4. I don't know where my sense of humor is but this is not funny. It is embarrassing and ugly.

  5. Actually I agree with you Evonne. It reminds me of the old line "let's kill a Commie for Christ and the U.S.A."


  6. I did feel uncomfortable watching this, but wasn't that the point? you guys know about irony? But maybe as I dont know who Toby Keith is this was done in all sincerity? But exegeting it in the context of a Colbert production i think irony is the most likely rhetorical function of this cultural text. :-)

  7. Wow!

    "Jesus in the bombing plane with the American flag."

    "The nativity scene on the American flag."

    This song reminds me of why I don't want teachers teaching my children about (Americanized) Christianity.

    I teach my children that the only allegiance they are to pledge their life to, is the Kingdom of God!

  8. I do believe that there is a radical fringe element that is trying to take Christmas out of our culture, but Toby Keith's response, even if it is tongue-in-cheek, is just plain inappropriate.

  9. Anonymous8:51 AM

    awesome lyrics

  10. I'm baffled at all the negative reactions to the video. I can understand Evonne to a degree because it may disturb feminine sensibilities, but Jonathon's comment I found odd. Has the Christian warrior spirit been lost?
