Monday, November 10, 2008

For Those Lacking a Sense of Deja Vu--BONUS VIDEOS


  1. These days it's a combination of deja vu and amnesia:
    I seem to remember forgetting this before ...
    Deja Vu was one of my favourite albums, released the year I finished school, I think, along with Elton John's eponymous album

  2. There first 2 videos are from the dvd "Crosby, Stills, and Nash DVD: The Acoustic Concert" it's available from Amozon. I bought this first on Laserdisc a few years ago and then early in the year found it at the local Barnes & Noble on dvd for 10 bucks. It's worth getting the Dvd Just for all the frat stuff that on it.

  3. Man I can't spell. Where's that spell checker? Frat should be great, there = the, and amozon=amazon. You would think after some 20 years using a computer I would remember the spell checker.

    Sorry People......

  4. G'day mafutha

    Spell checks have their limitations. I discovered this about ten years ago when a bank officer organised the overhead transparencies for our Christmas carols.

    He knew he wasn't a good speller, so he ran the text through a spell check.

    Worked fine, except that one of the carols was called
    Away in a manager

  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I am always amazed at how good they sounded without all the modern studio technology....

  6. Considerabububbly better than they sound now, if the video posted is any indication!
