Monday, September 15, 2008

Zap! Jesus is my Friend Video

Its not just everyday you find a new musical sensation, such as a Christian ska band doing their best to look like Donny Osmond and company. Me personally I would have liked to see Devo or Bob Marley do a version of this, but instead we must settle for Sonseed. For sure, and totally to the max these folks can give Chris Tomlin a run for his money, in fact this song should have been on his new Love CD.

O.K. music critics let me hear from you-- as Dick Clark would say "I'd give it about a 4.5,but you can't dance to it" :)


  1. What the HELL was THAT?! Wait - I don't want to know. Besides, I have to quickly go clean the vomit off my keyboard...

  2. Where's Pope Gregory when you need him?

  3. I must check the credits again. Did Harry Shearer and Christopher Guest conceive this?

    You mentioned Devo, which reminded me of "Dove (the band of love)," a band with five guys that would occasionally play at Devo concerts, much to the bewilderment of the fans.

  4. Gold medal....i laughed so much at is such a ska thing to do. Really, i think its rubbish but i like it in a strange sort of way...maybe cause it makes me laugh! If Chris Tomlin does this song...Ben the credit will be all yours!

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    That was horrible.
    (Although I believe the guitar player is the star of the band.)

  6. Wow Ben. Just wow. I believe that song made The Amazing Book songs look like Mozart. Still, it was good for a laugh.

  7. Really Bad Music
    Jesus is a Friend of Mine
    Get Out Of My Head!

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM


  9. Wow, I learned something new. I watched the video and was like, "How can they be ska without brass instruments?" according to Wikipedia ska and 2 Tone ska existed before thirdwave ska and ska-punk which is what my generation has grown to know and love as real ska. RIP FIF!
