Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Who Says Religion Can't be Funny?

Jewish Olympic Swimmer

How to tell if a Catholic is driving too fast


  1. ROTFL

    The last one is the best!


  2. Those are great. Do you have a picture of those rockin sockin rabbi's as well?

  3. Nope, but I should take a picture of the rabbi and the ten plagues finger puppets.... just great.

  4. The one about Moses questioning God is real funny especially if you are male. I will have to send the last one to my Catholic friends. Maybe this will help them slow down.

  5. Ha ha ... very funny!

    Dr. Witherington,

    Just recieved your newest book "Troubled Waters"--and have very quickly skimmed every page. I am looking forward to seriously studying it. Your writing style is spot-on!

    I believe in the essentiality of baptism in the name of Jesus (Acts 2:38, etc); that it is an issue is beyond me. I did notice in my skimming that you mention that the early church baptized in Jesus' name (an undeniable fact), but I don't know that you necessarily tackle the "mode" of baptism--in the name of Jesus or in the titles (Matt 28:19). What are your thoughts on the mode--immersion, and name? If I missed it in my skimming of the book, what page is the is this addressed?

    Thanks ... I realize this isn't the post for it, but ... As for all of Dr. Witherington's blog readers, I recommend that you get a copy of Troubled Waters (Baylor Press)!

  6. That most people of faith find these cartoons funny proves that we do have a sense of humor. However, when some comics get derogatory, nasty, or vicious, and people of faith complain the usual accusation is that we can't laught at ourselves or aspects of our beliefs.
    But maybe the problem is the bigotry exuded by some nasty comics, not our sense of humor.

  7. LOL - great post. Thanks for the laugh!

  8. *chokes on java @ speeding catholic pic* ROFL!!!!

  9. I'm right-clicking and saving the Rosary pic! Ha! Kudos to the photoshopper. Well done.

    Where's the equivalent with those fish emblems?

  10. I've been circulating the fast driving Catholic one. Hysterical. I blogged about it, and connected it to the teaching in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the section of Life in Christ (Morality - the Ten Commandments)-- Fifth Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill, subsection on respecting the health of persons--speeding or driving drunk (or recklessly or aggressively) is wrong. So it made it funny and educational. I asked people to repent. (Me included.)

    Well, today I had to blog that I scooped the Vatican on this one. Days later they issue reminders of holiness in driving. Ha! The news is all over the place because of the 10 Commandments metaphor. Very shrewd! Effective media strategy. Now it's getting a lot of attention.

    So thanks for the humorous image. Maybe the Vatican should put it on the cover of the report. I'll e-mail it to them.

  11. BTW I use humorous cartoons in catechesis ("Sunday school") all the time. When introducing morality/ten commandments/conscience, I use a cartoon of a kid sitting on the lap of a mall Santa, saying, "Define good." Ha!

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    ha ha ha very funny and great post and last is best......

