Saturday, July 08, 2006

Rob Bell Hits the Rock Venue Circuit

I am providing here a link to a New York Times article about Rob Bell's summer tour, which does not rely on multi-media pyrotechnics yet is appealing to many young folks around the land. Read the article and give me your reaction. I personally like what he is doing, having meaningful conversations with a Christian orientation to audiences in secular venues. Here is the link. The original article is in Saturday's paper.


  1. I reckon I must find out where this pneuma series is available and listen to some of it.



  2. You can find out about the series at - it is about the Holy Spirit, but it is spelled phonetically. I just got back from taking my youth group to a retreat at Lake Junaluska, and they showed one of the nooma videos every day. They were excellent! On his web site, you can see a preview of some of the videos. I highly recommend them. I could tell by watching his videos that he had been influenced by NT Wright, and sure enough on his website, he lists some NT Wright books on his recommended reading.

  3. Ben and other commentors,

    How much do you know about the historical content that Bell uses in his sermons? I know he uses a lot of material from various Jewish sources (mishnah, etc.) that dates from much later than the time of the NT. Some NT prof friends of mine really don't care for him because they feel that he takes liberties with the historical material, skewing his interpretation of (especially) the gospels. Do you feel the same?

    Other than that, I think the things that he's doing, especially in working to talk about community in church, are good.

    His church's sermons can be downloaded at their website, which I believe is

  4. Thanks for all these tips. I do not know enough about Bell's exegesis to comment. But I intend to find out.



  5. Thanks for this post Cadaens--- I shall track the sitesd down you mention. Blessings on you in your faith journey,

    Ben W.

  6. if i wanted to, i could see rob bell just down the street from me later this week on his tour...

    i'm not sure if i want to/will go or not.

    --RC of

  7. Thanks for the heads-up.

  8. There is however a problem with using post 70 A.D. Jewish materials to explain Jesus' 'background'. Pharisaism for example and all of Judaism changed from a Temple centered religion to a more Torah centric one. We do not know what the oral tradition was like in Jesus' day except in so far as it is quoted by pre-70 figures, and this means the Talmud and Mishnah cannot really be used to explain Jesus without extreme caution.

  9. I have been a Rob Bell fan for several years. Not sure what I think about these conversations. I would want to ask what his purpose or goal is? From the nooma videos and his sermons I think his theology is right on. His reading list is challenging, including a wide range of authors and theological viewpoints.
    Not sure what to think about Andy Crouch's comment that "this is the way church will be in 20 years." (or something like that) Perhaps it will be and if so I will be challenged to adapt to the culture in order to reach it. That's the thing Bell consistently challenges me on

  10. As far as Ben's last comment, I'm fairly certain that is exactly the way Bell uses the talmud/misnah, especially when explaining Jesus background. He interprets the calling of the disciples and other elements in the light of the mishnah.

    At least he's trying to use historical material - that's more than most preachers.

  11. Ben,
    If you're familiar with Ray Vander Laan and his video series THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW (distributed by Zondervan and Focus on the Family) -- that's the kind of historical background Rob uses.

  12. I think it is imperative that we not be anachronistic when it comes to the Jewish Jesus. This means that we have to be extremely cautious when using later materials to interpret early Judaism and Jesus, because so much changed after 70 A.D. I will have to read Bell's stuff and see. I'm all for aemphasizing the Jewishness of Jesus but: 1) he was not a rabbi and did not teach like one, he was sage like Hanina ben Dosa; 2) he was a radical who critiqued key portions of the Law which he thought were no longer valid; and 3) he spoke on his own authority, not by citing rabbinic references or quoting other teachers; 4) most Jewish teachers and rabbis did not teach in parables, aphorisms. riddles, etc.


  13. Ben:

    I read the article on Rob Bell and found it intriguing. We are in an extreme funk when it comes to reaching people with the gospel from traditional vantage points. The postmodern mindset of "there is no absolute truth, there is only what's true for me" makes it very difficult to convey that there is an absolute truth and it's contained in the word of God. So yes, I would say I agree with you -- Mr. Bell is on a good track and his success should be lauded.

  14. Ben,
    I'm confused on a point here. It seems that Jesus accepts the title Rabbi often. Certainly those around him use the title for Jesus. The gospel writers seem to think it appropriate. Why would you suggest that he was not a rabbi aside from speaking in a different way?

    I am enjoying your commentary on Revelation. Thank you for your work,


  15. You definately need to read Bell's Velvet Elvis to know what he is saying. Also, he got his Masters from Fuller. Not sure if it is the MDiv or the MAT.

  16. Bell's theology aside, I find myself terribly disinterested in this tour. No doubt his intentions are good and some non-Christians may be reached but my fear (or cynicism) is that the crowd will be primarily Christian and in the long run this will be no more than a novelty.
