Monday, July 04, 2005

To Be, rather than to Seem

Esse Quam Videre--- To Be, rather than to Seem

Take me to the just side of justice
And the right side of righteousness,
Not the vindictive side of vindication,
for otherwise--- I do not wish to go.

Lead me to the passionate side of compassion,
And the gracious side of grace,
Not the condescending side of mercy
for otherwise I remain remote--- for pity’s sake.

Push me past the truant side of trouble
And the pleasant side of pain
Not allowing me to wallow in it---
Lest I marvel at my martyrdom

Carry me to the service side of serving
And the sacrificial side of sacrifice
Not the calculating side of caring
for otherwise, my generosity remains too frugal.

Put me outside my selfish Eden
And beyond my creature comforts
Without raising Cain in my life
for I desire to be a remarkable, not a marked man.

Fill me with an inextinguishable blaze
A peerless and fearless love,
Not a faltering flame or a fumbling forgiveness
for I desire to be christened with real Christ-likeness.

May the Spirit make me spiritual
And the Son shine in my life
And the Father find me faithful,
Lest I miss the Kingdom’s goal.

JULY 4TH 2005


  1. Excellent! But please explain 'the truant side of trouble'. It sounds as though you are fishing for a word to alliterate
